Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Apple iPhone 5 - iS only just a dream? :o

Apple iPhone is a dream mobile for most if us. I meant not about buying it and all others but the creativity, usability and the killer performance. When the first iPhone is released with no UMTS support, everybody thought ''aha.. Nobody will buy this piece of shit''.. Because by the time of 2007 there were mobiles with UMTS and HSDPA support with also frikkin 5MP cameras. Anyway I'm not going to explore the history here... :D

When the iPhone 4 released on last year at WWDC (Apple's world wide developers conference ) we all said ''WoW... It's marvellous''... And we were correct.. It was actually damn sexy and a killer performance...

So it's going to be a one year by near future. We all hoped for a new iPhone 5G.. Because the new iPad2 and MacBookPro is already in the market rock and roll.. We all did hoping.. Am I wrong? Not at all...

Each year before the WWDC is held, some announcements are made on what to come. But this time in there announcements there are no any thing related hardware side (not a single fact about iPhone or iPods) .. Only about iOS and new MacOSs(Mas OS X Lion)..

So thing is it's going to be a dream for this time. Anyway better luck next time. :D Sometimes this is a good chance.. Because iPhone 4 and new generation iPods are not going to be old people in this year. I myself own a 32GB iPod touch 4G and I'm happy I won't feel any old in that... :D :D :D xoxoxoxoxoxox

See ya later guys :)